
ponte el gorro - put your hat on!

frío, frío, viento, más frío...
ponte el gorrito ya!!!

cold, cold!!! it´s cold outside!
put your hat on!

3 comentarios:

Amanda Peters dijo...

Just found your blog through Pinterest, I have just got back into making dolls again, and I would like to say your dolls are wonderful , the whole package you do ,from the outfits to the labelling is very good.
I am now following you and look forward to seeing what you make.
Amanda x

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) dijo...

Son todas monísimas!!! Besos!

Ó Maria Mar dijo...

Eu amo bonecas de pano. Atualmente faço Tildas, mas estou estudando outros moldes para tentar desenvolver um boneca com características próprias. As tuas bonecas são maravilhosas! Tens mãos abençoadas e muita criatividade. Parabéns!

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